T. 819-729-0450Toll-Free 1-866-775-8859 info@solar-vision.ca

Leading Provider

Of Solar Lighting Solutions

Number #1


Over 1000

Completed Projects


Home Realizations

Solar Lighting Realizations

With over 1000 completed projects in Canada, here are some satisfied customers among others. In most cases, customers have used our solar lights to eliminate the cost of running wire from the nearest electrical power line and eliminate the damage caused by digging trenches for underground wiring.
You can also visit our picture gallery here.

Victorian style solar street lights

51 Victorian-style solar street lights are used to give an outstanding appearance to this residential area. Watch the video!

Royal Botanical Gardens, ON

9 solar street lights for a parking lot on a peninsula in Cootes Paradise Nature Sanctuary featuring trails & a canoe launch. Watch the video!

Montreal urban solar area lighting

Quebec Ministry of Transportation using solar lights

The Quebec Ministry of Transportation used 14 of our LX95 solar lights for the lighting of the linear park in the Ville-Marie Highway retrofit project near Champs-de-Mars metro station (Montreal, Qc). This is an application that integrates the architectural aspect of the site and technology for increased security.

Solar light installion on dock

Isle-aux-Coudres wharf

The Isle-aux-Coudres wharf lights up every evening thanks to the installation of LX50 solar lights, to the pleasures of tourists and visitors!

Solar Lighting used for pier

Saint-Antoine-de-Tilly wharf

The Municipality of Saint-Antoine-de-Tilly (Chaudières-Appalaches, Qc) has installed LX50 and LX25 fixtures to illuminate its municipal wharf stretching over 100m in the St. Lawrence River.

Canada Post community mailboxes solar lighting

Canada Post community mailboxes solar lighting solutions

Municipalities in Canada are using our ZX series to add lighting to Canada Post community mailboxes, increasing user safety. An ideal lighting solution, inexpensive and without the need for electrical power source.

Solar luminaire for playground Canada

Public parks

Municipalities are using our LX solar lights to illuminate playground equipment in public parks.

Outdoor Fitness Area

Municipalities use our solar lights to light up static exercise stations installed in parks and alongside

Pop-ups and food trucks solar lighting

The City of Quite West (ON) has installed 9 units of the ZX60 solar lighting system to illuminate the Centennial park Pop-Ups and Food Truck area. There are special events and seasonal activities in this park throughout the year.

Residential solar street lighting

Municipalities are using our ZX and TX series to illuminate residential neighborhoods.

Residential solar street lighting

Municipalities are using our ZX and TX series to illuminate residential neighborhoods.

Pathway in Montreal, QC

The city of Montreal uses our ZX180 series solar street lights to illuminate a pathway crossing Sunnyside Park in Pointe-Claire, QC. The result is simply breathtaking!

Parking lots

9 solar street lights for a parking lot on a peninsula in Cootes Paradise Nature Sanctuary featuring trails & a canoe launch.

Parking lots

Our TX solar lighting system is a great solution for co-op parking lot lighting, townhouses, and other residential, institutional and commercial real estate developments.


Our LX & ZX series are used in multi-use pathways to accommodate multiple modes of transportations including walking, rolling, and cycling.

Dog parks across Canada

In order to allow its citizens to fully enjoy the dog parks with their pets, municipalities in Canada now light their canine parks with our LX intelligent solar lighting fixture series. Lighting on demand without harming the neighborhood!


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